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“存档35年,最近才被公开的一些资料,向我们展示了苹果是如何绕过阻隔, 创建该公司首个磁盘操纵系统 的。从另一个视角,这也是一个关于苹果是如何崛起的一个不为人知的故事。从沃兹尼亚克和乔布斯签署的协议,到设计规格说明书,再到一页一页的原理图和代码,现被收藏在加州圣克鲁斯山DigiBarn计算机博物馆的文档,让CNET得以有机会再现初创期间苹果的样貌。”

英文原文: The untold story behind Apple's $13000 operating system

posted by Thom Holwerda         on Wed 3rd Apr 2013 21:45 UTC
"Thanks to 35-year-old documents that have recently surfaced after three-plus decades in storage, we now know exactly how Apple navigated around that obstacle to create the company's first disk operating system. In more than a literal sense, it is also the untold story of how Apple booted up. From contracts - signed by both Wozniak and Jobs - to design specs to page after page of schematics and code, CNET had a chance to examine this document trove, housed at the DigiBarn computer museum in California's Santa Cruz Mountains, which shed important new light on those formative years at Apple."

标签组:[苹果公司] [苹果

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